Preparing students for a lifelong commitment to learning and social responsibility 位于圣. 卢克的经验. 学校的校训是: 进入学习. 出去服务. 激励学生不仅要追求卓越的学术成就,还要成为负责任的公民,为人类服务.

Kate Parker-Burgard, Director of 社区 Connections

我们相信,品格是在为更大的利益服务的过程中发展起来的. 通过发挥自己的长处, 服务场所成为培养领导力的实验室,因为学生获得了信心,并发展了他们作为可以提供帮助的人的身份."

圣堂服务. 卢克的

St. 路加福音’s students are introduced to service throughout their 中学 experience. 服务 learning happens in a variety of ways: some may occur in class, as teachers connect their lessons to the work of inspiring nonprofits; some may transpire after school as we offer regular optional activities focused on helping nonprofits; and some may ensue when students pursue their interest in a cause by creating a club, 提高意识, or setting up fundraisers to support favorite organizations. 所有这些活动, 从正式到非正式, help create a service mindset for all of our students.
As our students mature, our community service program grows with them. 在高年级,我们继续提供各种年级和全校范围内的服务活动. We ask students to take responsibility for their own service by asking themselves, “对我来说很重要? What strengths or skills do I have to offer? How can I contribute to my community?” While required hours create “accountability,” most of our students wind up becoming deeply invested in their work. Through their initiative and our support, students develop their sense of responsibility, 机构, 和领导能力.


  • 20

    per 上学校 year required
  • 1

    One reflection due no later than
  • 13,000+



St. 路加福音’s School is a secular (non-religious), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的bet356app在线登录建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.